Communities of Practice

Drama Queensland Regional Contacts

Drama Queensland . values its members. Is working on creating Communities of Practice across Queensland to support members across the state. These are smaller groups of teachers within Drama Queensland who connect regularly to share resources, meet up (whether online or in person), discuss issues or ideas, and generally support each other. 


We have committee members and members across Queensland who help run these Communities of Practice. To connect with people in your area check out the current events we have planned or click the button that matches your region. 


Upcoming Community of Practice Meetings

Check out some of our upcoming meetings: 

Logan Area Teachers Meet and Greet

When: Thursday 20th Feb (Week 4) 
Time: 4:30 - 6pm
Where: Kingston Butter Factory

Come for a catch up and some great free resources. 

Far North Queensland Meet and Greet 

When: Friday 21st Feb (Week 4) 
Time: 4:30 onwards
Where: Bar 36

Come for a catch up and some great free resources. 

North QLD/ Townsville Meet and Greet 

When: Friday 28th Feb (Week 5) 
Time: 6pm
Where: Theatre INQ

Come for a catch up and some great free resources.