Drama Australia Archives

The Drama Australia Archives aims to capture the collective wisdom of the Queensland drama community. Through these interviews, individual experiences are shared, challenges are pondered upon and the transformation that has contributed to the current position of drama education is explored.

Brad Haseman

Brad’s leadership of Drama education spans over 40 years and in this interview he shares his perspective on its evolution in Queensland.

Madonna Stinson

Madonna is an experienced teacher, researcher and leader in pedagogical and curriculum innovation in educational contexts (primary, secondary and higher-education). Her creative approach to pedagogy and integral involvement in arts education has also earned Madonna the prestige of Drama Queensland Life Member.

Sharon Hogan

Educator, program leader, consultant and founder of the Sunshine Coast Drama Festival. Sharon has a wealth of experience and an abundance of passion for arts education. Interviewer Joan Cassidy sits down with Sharon as she shares her personal and professional journey. Interview originally featured in the 2018 DQ Journal.

Transcript: Sharon Hogan interview

Adrianne Jones

Adrianne is an inspiring educator who continues to revitalise teaching and boost students’ engagement in the arts. One of her many achievements include being celebrated as a Drama Queensland Life Member. At time of publication, Adrianne is undertaking her PhD to further her understanding of the impact of Arts education on identity formation for refugee students.