Drama Queensland – Queensland Association For Drama In Education Inc. is a non-profit professional association supporting Drama educators in the K-12 and tertiary sectors. We represent the voice of Queensland Drama teachers, responding to their needs and concerns. Drama Queensland also collaborates with the Arts industry through projects involving companies, artists and arts venues.

We aim:

  • to promote the recognition of Drama in education as an important, valuable and valued part of education (primary, secondary and tertiary);
  • to encourage the study and development of Drama in education as a teaching method and as an art form;
  • to assist teachers, students and others with interests in Drama and education.

Join the Drama Queensland Community.

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll get back to you soon.

Bloom - Drama Queensland State Conference 2025

Drama Queensland provides a range of professional development opportunities throughout the year, including our annual State Conference, to support members in maintaining their currency of practice and skills in drama education. Our professional development events cater to a range of needs for beginning to experienced primary and secondary school educators.


Drama Queensland provides a range of professional development opportunities throughout the year, including our annual State Conference, to support members in maintaining their currency of practice and skills in drama education. Our professional development events cater to a range of needs for beginning to experienced primary and secondary school educators.


We provide relevant, unique and high-quality professional development opportunities and resources to support all educators of Drama. Members of Drama Queensland become part of an active network of educators who support each other and promote Drama education at both a state and national level.


We provide relevant, unique and high-quality professional development opportunities and resources to support all educators of Drama. Members of Drama Queensland become part of an active network of educators who support each other and promote Drama education at both a state and national level.

[PLACEHOLDER TEXT about DQ Advocacy...]

Drama Queensland provides a variety of resources for members, as well as resources for purchase.

DQ Activities PostersDQ Activities Posters

Purchase Drama Queensland resources through our online shop.


Professional Development

Feature 03

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 04

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 05

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.

Feature 06

This is the feature description, where you can go into more detail about the item mentioned here.